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[Photograph] Record Crop of Sugarbeets, Salinas Valley, CA. [1940]
[Price Sheet] [1890]
[Redwood City, CA] [Letterhead] Leo. Green & Son Butchers. (1891)
[Reference] Wine Into Words, A History and Bibliography of Wine Books in the English Language. [1985]
[San Francisco] Mission Street Food. By Anthony Myint & Karen Leibowitz. (2011)
[Signed] Ay, Cuba! Andrei Codrescu & David Graham. [1999].
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[Sold] Unique Collection of 177 Kitchen Appliance Instruction Manuals.
[Travel] Marriott, Michael. Footpaths of France, for the Tourer, Camper and Caravanner. [1993].
[Travel] {Inland Waterways of France} The Yonne and the Nivernais. By Tony Paris. [1991].
[Travel] [Souvenir Programme] French Country Waterways, Ltd. [ca. 1990's].
[Truffles] Making the Most of Truffles. Confédération Française de la Conserve. [ca. 1980's].
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[Wine] L’Œnophile, Revue Mensuelles du Traitement Pratique et Scientifique des Vins et Spiritueux. [1922].
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