L'Illustration, Nöel, 1938. No. 4996, 96º Année. Paris. Folio size. Text in French. 52pp. Featuring 8pp. of gorgeous Pochoir color illustrations by Jean A. Mercier for a piece by Albéric Cahuet (an editor of this magazine) "l'Eblouissement"; 8pp. color illustrated piece "Le Miroir de Bagdad" by Eustache de Lorey, a small review of Walt Disney's newly released in France (dubbed) film "Blanche-Neige et les Sept Nains" with a small b/w illust. of Snow White holding a candle surrounded by animals; with a 10pp. article "L'Art Anglais" by Louis Hourtiq with many tipped-in color plates of famous paintings from the Tate & National Galleries, many interesting color ads for wine & liquors. Heavy color illustrated covers, sewn, verso is a charming color illust. ad for "La Marquise de Sévigné Chocolats". Present is an inch long tear to top of spine, covers lightly darkened & soiled, else internally bright, generally Good. Ads perhaps suitable for framing.